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Welcome to Fitchworld2..............Go to FITCHWORLD 1..The Art site

Check out a little homemade music here at Fitchtoons.iwarp.com . But if you want to see some great cartoons and some serious oil paintings go to FITCHWORLD 1..The Art site , I've got some paintings and drawings there for sale or
for just looking, my art is a type of photorealism or surrealism or a mix in between.

HELLO!!! Welcome to My site at freeservers! I'm an artist, cartoonist and musician, the guitar music you MAY have heard when you arrived at the site was me playing bass and lead with electronic drums. I say "You MAY have heard" because Freeservers links break down and must be redone, so the audio links are unstable...sorry.
I'd like to
meet other artist and musicians who would like to
share files or link up etc. Feel free to contact me about whatever, or send crazy or funny pictures to fichtoon@flash.net
and while your at it check out this rockin guitar lick <br><BGSOUND SRC="http://fitchtoons.iwarp.com/so1.mp3"><br>

My Site here at Fitchworld2

*ARTISTS..send me your work, if I'm going to post it I'll contact you.
I plan to present more of my art and other artists if they so desire, I'll also display the most outrageous odd and funny photos from around the web. If you have some amazing "net photo" be it enhanced or altered, send it to me at fichtoon@flash.net I'll consider adding it to the collection. This particular site has many rules and guidlines as to content but don't worry if
I like the picture I can put it up somewhere else.

Learn more about me

If you want to get an idea of who and what I am, check out my bio page at Fitchworld1 site. The links on that page concern that site, not this
one at Freeservers. Just hit your back button to return.

Listen to this short clip a friend of mine made...it's called Windy

More on my Art site "Fitchworld 1"

Hello, this is Site 2 of Fitchworld, my first site is an art and cartoon site, I have an intense 4 foot by 4 foot oil painting there called The Antichrist.
And if you want you can take a quick trip to my cartoon page there. There is also
another cartoon page there if you get a chance.

  • Go to FITCHWORLD now


  • 1) Bass, drums and lead guitar lick

    2) Another screaming guitar lick

    3) Another wild guitar lick, I played these on my electric guitar.